lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008


Ejercicios: Las siguientes fraces tienen algun error. Escribelas de forma correcta.

1.- They have two blues cars.
They have two blue cars.
2.- They car small is in the garage.
They small car is in the garage.
3.- Are John and Elizabeth having lunch in an restaurant expensive?
Are John and Elizabeth having lunch in an expensive restaurant?
4.- Pat is listeningo to bads news on the radio.
Pat is listeningo to bad news on the radio.
5.- I sent my brother somes magazines.
I sent my brother some magazines.

Ejercicios: Escribe this o these. Ejemplo: This cor. These cars.

1.- These girsl. 2.- This computer. 3.- This hamburger. 4.-These children. 5.- These chips. 6.- This television.

Ejercicios: Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto.

1.- American an she`s girl.
She`s an American girl.
2.- Expensive holiday an it`s.
It`s an expensive holiday.
3.- Sad you are why?
Why is she sad?
4.- Are beautiful girl you a.
You are a beautiful girl.
5.- An job interesting it`s.
It`s an interesting job.
6.- Handsome is husband my.
My husband is handsome.
7.- Spanish you are?
Are you Spanish?
8.- Very I`m hungry.
I`m very hungry.

Ejercicios: Traduce al Ingles.

1.- Es buena idea dar dinero a los pobres.
It`s a good idea to give money to the poor.
2.- Mi padre es viejo.
My father is an old man.
3.- Es un viaje muy caro y soy un profesor muy pobre.
It`s a very expensive trip and Iam a poor teacher.
4.- Los mejores amantes son los Italianos.
The best lovers are the Italians.
5.- Es importante educar a los jovenes.
It`s important to educate the young.
6.- Un Audi es un coche Aleman.
An Audi is a German car.

Ejercicios: Escribe el comparativo.

1.- Good - better. 2.- Intelligent - more intelligent. 3.- Old - older. 4.- Dark - darker.
5.- Bad - worse. 6.- Large - larger. 7.- Narrow - narrower. 8.- New - newer.
9.- Easy - easier. 10.- Funny - funnier.

Ejercicios: Pon This o These.

1.- These men are from Spain. 2.- This food is dirty. 3.- These scissors are very sharp.
4.- These children don`t have any parents. 5.- This mouse is broken.

- Pon that o those.

1.- Those roofs are made of wood. 2.- That box is empty. 3.- Those trouser are made in China. 4.- Those men are waiting for the bus. 5.- That tomato is very big.

Ejercicios: Traduce las siguientes fraces al ingles.

1.- No quiero este pastel, quiero el otro.
Idon`t want this cake, I want the ather one.
2.- Pagamos treinta y cinco Euros cada uno.
We paid thirty-five Euros each.
3.- Cambia tu ordenador cada tres años.
Change your computer every three years.
4.- Hay dos camas. Puedes usar cualquiera.
There are two beds. You can use either.
5.- Tiene dos hermanos, pero ninguno de los dos es guapo.
She`s got two brothers, but neither of them are good looking.

Ejercicios: Completa las fraces utilizando Many, A lot, A lot of.

1.- It didn`t cost much/a lot of money to go to New Zealand.
2.- How many songs can you sing?
3.- Theres a lot of rice inthe cup board.
4.- Paco visited many/ a lot of countries when he went on holiday.
5.- How many interesting cities did Paco see?
6.- He didn`t see many I a lot of cities, but he saw many/a lot of friends.
7.- Do you eat much/a lot of cheese? Yes a lot
8.-Did you send many/a lot of postcards to friends? Yes, I did.


1.- Do you know amy good restaurants in Barcelona?
2.- Would you like some more potatoes?
3.- When I went to Paris I visited some interesting museums, but I didn`t go to amy art galleries.
4.- Are these some messages for me on the answer phone?
5.- I`d like amy tomatoes and some mushrooms please. But I don`t want amy carrots.

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