viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008


Ejercicio: Completa las fraces uilizando A Little, little, A few, few.

1.- I bought A little post cards in Paris.
2.- Can you ask the waiter for Little more wine please darling?
3.- You haven`t passed all of the exams, you`ve only passed.
4.- A few people go out on Monday night in Valencia. There is almost no traffic.
5.- I like to drink Few lemon juice before I have breakfast.

Escribe Most, Most of, All en los espacios en blanco segun convengan.

1.- Yesterday I sent most my money, and now I don`t have anithing.
2.- Most of people in Madrid speak Spanish, but not all of them.
3.- In Valencia, most the shops open at 9 o`clock, but not all of them.
4.- In Ireland it rains most the time .
5.- All German cars are well-made, but I like BMW`S the most of.
6.- I must be in love, because most I can think about is you.

Pon el adjetivo gentilicio o la nacionalidad en los espacios en blanco.

1.- Buenos Aires is in Argentina. It`s an Angertinian city.
2.- Canadians are people who live in canada.
3.-Marie Curie was from Poland. She was Polish.
4.- I love most things from Belgium, especially Belgiam chocolate.
5.- I hate Irish music. Actually, the only thing I like from Ireland is Guinness.
6.- My good friend Erick is from Holland. He speaks Dutch.
7.- Australian makes good wine and beer. I always buy Australian wine.
8.- Tequila comes from Mexico. It`s a famous Mexican drink.
9.- My father has never been to Germany. He hates everithing German, except Mercedes cars¡.
10.- All my money is in Switzerland. There years ago I opened a Swiss bank account.

Escribe las siguientes expreciones con palabras:
1.- 16th: Sixteenth. 2.- 367: Three hundred and sixty-seven. 3.- 1249: One thousand two hundred and forty-nine. 4.- $ 275: Two hundred and seventy-five dollars. 5.- 1250: One thousand two hundred and fifty. 6.- 2457983: Two million four hundred and fifty-seven thousand nine hundred. 7.- 30th: Thirtieth. 8.- 2/3: Two thirds.

1.- Whose books is this? It`s mine. 2.- What is your favourite car? 3.- Whose trousers are these? 4.- What is your nationality? 5.- Which nationality are you, Englis or Irish? 6.- What kind of music do you prefer? 7.- How fast is your car? 8.- There`s tea and coffe, which would you like? 9.- How old is he? 10.- Which shirt are you going to wear, the brown or the black?

Rellena los espacios en blanco con el adjetivo pocesivo que corresponda.

1.- I live with my boy friend.
2.- We have a very big baloony at the front of our flat.
3.- Thank you for the flowers. It was kind of you to remember my birthday.
4.- My dog is always licking It`s balls.
5.- Yesterday I saw Diana with her husband. They were shopping with their children.
6.- When Craig gets home from work, he likes to wash his face, take of his work clothes and work on his computer.
7.- I want to buy your flat. How much do you want for it?
8.- Put the book in it`s place on the shelf.
9.- Nicole and Tom have sold their house.
10.- Who is that girl you work with? I can never remember her name.

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