lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008


A. PRONOUNS. Rewrite these sentences, using he, she, it, or they.

1. Mary is a student. She is a student.
2.Tom is at school. He is at school.
3. Peter and John are students. They are students.
4. The teacher is here. He is here.
5. School is open. It is open.
6. Ana is single. She is single.
7. Lisa and Kate are at school. Or they are at school.

B. CONTRACTIONS. Rewrite these sentences, using a contraction.

1. I am a student. I´m a student.
2. She is married. She´s married.
3. It is Friday. It´s Friday.
4. He is not at work. He´s not at work.
5. It is not today. It´s not today.
6. They are absent. They´er absent.
7. I am not a Teacher. I´m not a Teacher.
8. She is not at school today. She´s not at school today.

C. BE. Complete these sentences, using, is, am, or are.

1. He is at school.
2. They are at home.
3. I am in class.
4. She is on the bus.
5. We are students.
6. Jack is a student.
7. They are not from India.
8. They are married.
9. Marie is single.
10. Tom is friendly.
11. I am not from New York.
12. It is on the desk.
13. I am 20 years old.
14. It is Sunday.

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